How light travels rectilinearly while curving

In 1919, Arthur Eddington claimed to have proven that light from a distant star curved around the Sun. He purported to have confirmed Albert Einstein’s proposal that the Sun’s mass warped the space that encapsulates our star like a hammock. The beam of discrete photons allegedly rolled or slid around this curved space and reached your eyes.

The physical interpretation that Einstein proposed for gravity is that space and time are warped by mass. The Sun weighs down the four-dimensional spacetime fishnet in its vicinity and a stream of photons from a distant star curves around this warped canvas to reach your eyes.

The Rope Hypothesis proposes that all atoms are physically interconnected by EM ropes which form the atoms themselves. Light consists of torsions of the rope, and the EM rope is always taut. Therefore, light has no choice but to ‘travel’ rectilinearly along this tightrope.

An atom in a distant star is connected to an atom forming the Sun’s corona which is connected to an atom that is part of your eye. Light is not literally curving around the Sun. The phenomenon is mediated by countless taut ropes.

Atoms in a distant star, atoms comprising the Sun’s corona, and atoms here on Earth are interconnected by taut, torquing EM ropes. Light consists of torsions ‘propagating’ along the ropes. The beams of light appear to bend around the Sun when in fact the entire scheme is achieved with ‘straight’ ropes.

How to make curves with straight lines.

How you see around corners

The ropes of objects are connected to the molecules of air. Air does not relay torsions to your eyes faithfully as a mirror primarily because it is a fluid medium.

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