
Is there an invisible physical entity that mediates gravity? General Relativity says that it is warped space. Quantum Mechanics says that it is a 0D particle that delivers negative momentum. Science says that it is something else.

Mathematical Physics offers irrational explanations for gravity

General Relativity explains gravity as the warping of space. Relativists claim that the planets orbit the Sun much like a tiny ball circles a roulette. It is a wall of space that keeps Mercury from flying away from its orbit. They had to convert space into a physical object to make their point, for else, the mechanism fails entirely.

On the other hand, Quantum Mechanics explains gravity as a force which is ‘carried’ by particles known as gravitons. This tiny bead strikes a bowling ball and delivers ‘negative momentum’ (Look under the heading, “How can they be responsible for attractive forces?):

“If the momentum transferred by the wave points in the direction from the receiving particle to the emitting one, the effect is that of an attractive force. The moral is that the lines in a Feynman diagram are not to be interpreted literally as the paths of classical particles.”

In other words, Mathemagical Physics offers irrational mechanisms for how gravity works. Theorists label these absurd physical interpretations with the euphemism: ‘non-classical’. Most people have bought into these theories simply on the basis of authority.

In a hypothetical 2-particle universe, how does one particle attract another?

Well, the only way we can rationalize this is by assuming that there is an invisible, elongated entity mediating the transaction. Invisibility does not mean supernatural. Invisibility is an issue of observers and their ability to detect. Action-at-a-distance without a mediator is what is irrational. It is the theorist who claims there is no mediator in action-at-a-distance phenomena that is introducing black magic and spirits to explain the mechanism.

The EM rope hypothesis simulates gravity

Let’s first get an intuitive feel for the theory. Hold the center of a stretched rubber band. Your fingers don’t feel any tension (Fig. 3). Now stretch the center away from the axis. Instantly, you feel the tug (Fig. 4), and unless the rubber band rips, you feel the tension at all times.

Analogy of how ‘mass’ appears by mere location of objects vis-à-vis each other.

Let’s now assume that we have a tug of war between two men of equal strength. Four others just grab ahold of the rope. Therefore, neither of the two men tugging is affected by their intervention. If instead, the four men join one of them and pull individually against the other, the lone competitor will suddenly feel a much stronger pull. This is an analogy of how gravity works with EM ropes.

Four men placing their hands on the tug-of-war rope are not felt by either contestant

Four men joining a contestant in a tug-of-war are felt by the other contestant.

We have 5 atoms which are part of a cube. They are all lined up one behind the other and pulling on a lonely atom (# 6) which is part of a cylinder (Fig. 7). We will assume that the ropes superimpose perfectly. This scenario resembles Fig. 5. The lonely atom # 6 is essentially tugging against one. (Briefly, the reason for this is that the atoms forming the cube pull on each other as well. For simplicity, we will just say that the tug of war is between # 5 and # 6.)

However, when the cube and the cylinder approach each other, the ropes fan out. Each of the 5 atoms of the cube now pulls independently on the lonely atom. The force of pull on atom # 6 is suddenly greater. Note that we achieved this effect simply by changing the locations of the cube and the cylinder vis-à-vis each other!

How to create ‘mass’ by simply changing location.

Atoms 1, 2, 3, 4, and 5 are on the same axis as atom 6.

By changing the location of the cylinder (closer in this case), atoms 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, have an independent relation with respect to atom 6.

Real objects are comprised of interconnected atoms. The atoms of any two objects are also interconnected.

When two object are far apart, the EM ropes that interconnect their respective atoms come together and act as one. As one object approaches another, the EM ropes increasingly fan out and act independently. This mechanism causes gravitational acceleration.

1 thought on “Gravity

  1. В этом предположении не учтено что сила гравитации действует не на один объект (частицу), а на множество объектов (частиц) расположенных слоями.
    То есть, между Землей и другими объектами (частицами) не находится пустота , а находится множество объектов (частиц). Поэтому веревки из центра Земли не могут проникать через объекты (частицы) чтобы взаимодействовать с объектами (частицами) расположенными за ними. Ведь все веревки должны начинаться из центра (ядра) Земли, а не с ее поверхности. Кроме того, объекты (частицы) находятся в движении перпендикулярном направлению гравитацирнных веревок, которые напрвлены к центру (ядру)Земли. Поэтому, веревки не могут отслеживать горизонтальное перемещение объектов (частиц). И последнее, веревки должны как-то крепится к объектам (частицам). Как? Какие устройства для надежного крепления веревок частиц, ведь они не должны обрываться? Оборванная веревка означает антигравитацию? Переруби все веревки и объект, тело частица будет в невесомости!
    This assumption does not take into account that the force of gravity is not on one object (particle), but on a set of objects (particles) of the earth’s layers. That is, between the Earth and other objects (parts) there is not a void, but a lot of objects (particles). Therefore, ropes from the center of the Earth cannot penetrate objects (particles) in order to interact with objects (particles). After all, all ropes should start from the center (core) of the Earth, and not from its surface. In addition, objects (particles) are in motion in the perpendicular direction of the rope of gravitational motions, which are directed to the center (core) of the Earth. Therefore, the ropes cannot pass the horizontal movement of objects. And lastly, the ropes must somehow attach to the objects (particles). How? What are the devices for securely attaching the particle ropes, after all, they should not break off? Does a broken rope mean anti-gravity? Cut all the ropes and the object, the particle body will be in zero gravity!

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