A black hole is alleged to be the invisible object at the center of a distant star’s orbit. The mainstream theory is that a star is orbiting an invisible object that has lots of mass. It is the enormous amount of mass of the invisible object that compels the star to circle this unseen celestial object.
A black hole is said to come into being when an enormous star collapses on itself gravitationally towards the end of its useful life. Imagine a star that has several times the matter content of our Sun. It gradually squeezes all the hydrogen and helium gas until there is no more fuel. Gravitation gradually compresses these gases into solid, heavier matter such as silicon and iron. The star is no longer encapsulated in a gaseous foam, but now is entirely made of solid matter. If the star started out with several times the matter our Sun has, the gravitational attraction towards its center exceeds the capacity of matter to withstand such pressures. Matter is literally crushed out of existence…
“The matter that forms a black hole is crushed out of existence. Just as the Cheshire Cat disappeared and left only its smile behind, a black hole represents matter that leaves only its gravity behind.”
“…the gravitational attraction is so intense the neutrons are literally crushed out of existence. We call the object a “black hole.”
What remains is a mathematical concept called mass. A black hole is entirely made of mass. This is what the equations tell the mathematicians and this is their conclusion regarding what is happening out there in the cosmos.
The black hole is described as a zero-dimensional object. However, the theorist always illustrates a three dimensional whirlwind projected onto a two-dimensional platform. Somehow, the theorists find it difficult to illustrate a zero-dimensional ‘entity’.