3 thoughts on “Books

  1. Hello Mr. Gaede,

    I’ve enjoyed your lectures. Thanks.

    One issue arises.

    An object that has shape can only have a shape if there is absence of shape amidst it.
    This absence is not an object because it has no shape however an object requires it de facto.
    It’s a physical whole that cannot be viewed seperately from one another. They must be together.
    Thus an object that exists because it has shape requires that the absence of shape also exist.
    The object’s existence totally depends on it.

    This is only possible when you take it as a whole.
    Otherwise you run into the incoherence of having existence applied to concepts about infinite objects.
    The absence of shape is not an object but remains a inalienable characteristic of an object.

    Hope to hear more explanations.

    Food for thought ;
    From a pratical point of view, could these EM tensor ropes be used to transport a signal from one location to another?


  2. Dear Mr. Gaede,

    I have watched your videos for over a half a decade(!!!).
    Although not from the Physics field (Computer Science), your hypothesis is very informative and explains lot of the “Hidden” questions in fundamental physics.

    Thanks and keep it up…

  3. Sehr geehrter Herr Gaede, bitte antworten Sie auf meine Emailadresse, damit ich Ihnen eine pdf schicken kann, ich würde gerne Ihre Meinung dazu hören!
    Gruß, Raphael Muhr

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