The old sales pitch was that a tiny bead known as the electron revolves around a positive bowling ball known as the proton. Of course, in the last 3000 years no one in Mathematics has defined positive or negative in physical terms, and yet, the mathematicians tell the world that Math is the language of Physics.
What medium keeps the electron faithful to the proton? Why doesn’t the electron simply fly away?
“Positive” here meand that it has a positive charge, it has a charge of value greater then zero.
If you have electrons have the pisitive charge and the protons have the negative charge then nothing really changes.
No such THING as ‘charge’ in Physics. No such notion as positive or negative in Physics. You confuse the religion of Mathphyz with Science. We don’t use the four-letter words of Mathphyz in Physics… charge, field, energy, mass, force, wave, positive, negative…